Do you enjoy getting up early and joining the mad rush to get the best deals on Black Friday? For my sister and I, it is a tradition. We are up and ready to go by 4am. We have a map in hand of all the shops we want to hit before noon. For many shoppers this year,...
Whether you love it or hate it healthcare reform is here to stay. This law will affect every American; from business owners to individual citizens. As a service to our clients we would like to help clarify the law so everybody has a better understanding of their...
VanVleet Insurance Agency has been located at 1110 South A Street since it’s inception in 1981. In the next 60-90 days, we will be moving to 1 Glen Miller Parkway (formerly First Merchants Bank Branch) right across the street from Glen Miller Park Golf Course...
It’s Time to Give Thanks! On Tuesday, December 4th our agency will be hosting our Annual Holiday Customer Appreciation Party! Please stop by the Wayne County Historical Museum from 5pm-8pm for food & music! Do you have children or grandchildren? Bring...
Did you hear about the 4.0 magnitude earthquake that shook Maine? Thank goodness there was no immediate damage or injuries! Many people think that earthquakes only happen out West, but their are major fault lines in the Midwest and Eastern United States. Make sure...