First Accident

by | Apr 14, 2012

Everyone probably remembers their first fender-bender. I know I do.

Everyone has a first accident sooner or later…and sometimes the second isn’t far behind. If you have a young driver in your home, those rate increases can get pricey in a hurry. Consider ERIE  Rate LockSM. It’s as simple as can be: your rates don’t increase. Period. No matter how many fender benders, crashes or speeding tickets your teen might get into, your rates won’t inch up even a penny.

Your rates only increase when something changes in your policy—for instance, a new address or adding or subtracting drivers and vehicles from your plan. Otherwise, you won’t be punished because your teen made a rookie driving mistake.

Give us a call today, and let’s talk about how ERIE Rate Lock can help you…and your new driver.