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Need a Quote? Call 935-5655

How can we help you and your family stay protected?  Just contact us and we’ll be happy to sit down with you to discuss an insurance plan that’s just right for you! Use our handy quote request page, or just give us a call at 765-935-5655.

You’re the Boss

Does your insurance company remember that they work for you—not the other way around? Some insurance companies can be downright bossy, forcing you to jump through hoops to file claims and slapping you with big rate hikes when you get into even the smallest of fender...

Driver’s Ed Refresh

Ah, driver’s ed. The excitement of getting your learner’s permit, the stress of studying for your exam. Years down the road, it can be easy to forget a lot of the important information you actually learned in class. How about a refresher? Remember  the three-second...

Distracted Driving Isn’t Just About Texting

There’s a lot of buzz right now about how dangerous texting while driving is. And make no mistake—it’s very dangerous to text while driving. But it’s easy to lose sight of another distracting danger: talking on the phone while driving. Most of us do it every now and...

Complex Claims Made Easy

When you have an Erie Insurance Agent, you know we’ll make your experience as fast and easy as possible – whether your claim is simple or complex. A simple claim is usually one that doesn’t involve physical injury, property damage, and only minor damage to...