Being 16 is hard. You have to worry about getting good grades, staying on good terms with your BFF, when you’ll get your first kiss, and of course, getting your driver’s license.
But once teen drivers get that coveted license, the hard part is only just beginning. Getting used to the rules of the road, maintaining your focus on driving, and remembering to wear your seat belt are just a few of the challenges teens face behind the wheel.
Parents and teachers can tell kids to put their cell phone away on the road, turn the music down, and to obey the speed limit until they’re blue in the face. But sometimes teens are more likely to listen to their peers. That’s why Erie Insurance has the Shift program.
Join the Shift is a safe driving program from Erie Insurance that teaches teens how to make smart choices behind the wheel. The goals of Shift are simple: to save lives and encourage safe driving, especially among young drivers.
Some of the components of the program include:
-, an interactive and educational Website with safe driving videos and tips.
- A contest encouraging teens to create and share the Shift safe driving message. Students and schools can both win cash prizes.
- A driver safety pledge. (you can find a template at
- A variety of posters, flyers and other tools for teens to share within their schools and communities.
Why do we think that teen driving safety is so important? Because car accidents are the number one killer of teenagers. If we can get kids to stop and think about their actions, and pay a little more attention to the road, we can save lives. And that’s something worth doing.